Helping women in their 40’s and Beyond age backwards and feel great in their own skin with simple diet, exercise and lifestyle strategies while addressing the root cause of underlying issues.


I’ve been through my own health challenges and know how you feel.  I went through years of digestive issues and hormone imbalances beginning in my 20s.  After having 4 kids in 5 years, my weight and hormones went up and down like a revolving door.  I got diagnosed with Hashimotos (autoimmune thyroid) in my 30’s but I slowly worked my way out of my own health issues, and I feel better than ever.

I combine my personal experience with 30 years in the health and wellness industry to help women with their own unique personal goals. 



Ways We Can Work Together to Achieve Your Goals


Total Body Balance - Online program

This exclusive program will help optimize your health, decrease inflammation and lose weight permanently! It’s a game changer when it comes to aging with vitality and ideal weight.  In addition to burning fat, you can expect improved sleep, better energy, improved hormones, and better digestion.

1:1 Coaching

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I empower my clients to heal by uncovering their underlying root cause imbalances through at-home lab testing or health assessments. I then provide them with personalized protocols to get well, achieve a healthy weight, or grow younger.

Midlife Hormone Solution Group program (MHS) Signature Program

For those that aren’t ready for 1:1 health coaching, I also provide group centered programs. The MHS will focus on all things related to menopause and perimenopause - weight loss, hormone optimization, detox, and education in hormone replacement.. You may join any time that is convenient for you.


If you’re not sure which option would be best for you, or if you need help clarifying your goals, then let’s chat!

Have you been feeling Fluffy, Fatigued and Frustrated?

If So, then You need to GEt MY Free Guide:

“5 Mistakes MidLife Women Make”

Learn the 5 Mistakes that I see women commonly making that stop their results in their tracks.

More importantly, you’ll learn the Simple Fixes that you can make (starting today!) to feel more Energized, Vibrant and to lose the Extra Weight!

Clients getting RESULTS


“I am so thankful for Julie and her expertise. Every other program I tried allowed me to lose 10 pounds and gain it right back. This program was simple and effective. I wish I had found it sooner!”


“As I approached 60, nothing seemed to help me lose weight. In fact, not matter how hard I tried, I was gaining weight each year. I had almost given up until I found Julie. These pictures are just after a month of working through one of her programs.”


“Working with Julie has been life changing. I struggled for years to lose weight and decrease inflammation only to add more weight around my mid section. Julie taught me to approach food, nutrition and exercise with a different mindset, and I lost 22 pounds in 6 weeks. My plantar fasciitis is even gone after 3 years of pain. Change is hard, but Julie was by my side every step of the way.”

Lyndsay and Nate (couple)

“I have struggled with weight my entire life, but especially after having my girls. I have tried many diets only to gain the weight right back. This program is something I can do with my whole family, because we can eat together without making two separate meals. We had all the support we needed from Julie along the way. I lost 30 pounds in 20 weeks, and my husband lost 39. We have kept it off too!”


Are you ready to get your own head turning results?



Discover how to achieve your wellness, weight loss or longevity goals on a complimentary 20 minute consultation.

Don’t Forget Your Copy

“5 Mistakes MidLife Women Make”

Learn these important mistakes and get the Fixes so you can start Feeling Better today!